Thursday, December 13, 2007

Some interesting blogs and links....

Five Tips to Jump-Start a New Business

1. Create a brand. Print up small but important things such as business cards with a professional logo to present a good image.

2. Ramp up online. Websites today are one of the most important tools when creating a business. Make sure you establish yourself on the internet so that customers have somewhere to learn about you.

3. Make your first sale. The first sale is always the hardest, but once you have the ball rolling, there will be no stopping you.

4. Customer testimonials. Start building the credibility of your business from day one. Get customers to write up a testimonial. And be sure to seek permission to use any unsolicited praise.

5. Build a campaign. Be creative. Quantify on any good opportunity that comes your way; anything from a special promotion to a big event can be used in the campaign to get your name out there.

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